Lelenfant is a cultural, educational and artistic Program for children and adolescents aged 8 – 14 from around the world, aiming to create a platform for participants to exchange and develop their skills and interests in an atmosphere of peer learning (so called „kids teach kids „).

The project has been supported financially by the Municipality of Wroctaw since 2009, being one of its key international projects with a global scope that fosters the participation and inclusion of young Individuals through art.

The heart of the project: Inclusion! We believe that by inviting children with diverse backgrounds we are actively using our voice to bridge global desparities. The idea is to provide a space for young artists who may come from disadvantaged economical or social backgrounds to show and teach their talents.

When creative individuals from all over the world come together, the only language that is collectively understood, regardless of background, culture and time, is art. When words fail to express matters of the heart, raw creativity, passion and expertise can replace language. This common language is what binds a group into a space of understanding and appreciation, which is why our mission is fostering these kinds of intercultural relationships.

✍️ Details: groups@lelenfant.org ☎️ +48 535 548 353

This year´s intercultural edition of Lelenfant consists of three phases.

PREPARATION AT HOMELAND – artistic and logistic preparation to join Lelenfant

The first phase takes place in the respective home city. Here, the artists and their leaders prepare and rehearse a performance in which they represent their particular art.

PHASE IN POLAND – artistic gathering of all groups in Wroclaw 

Second phase (12.07 – 23.07.2024)

The second and third phase takes place in Poland in July 2024, where all the created choreographies will be performed.

The second phase of the project lasts around two weeks, during which the participants are divided into 3 working groups (around 20 children total, 4 artistic groups from Poland and abroad) and work in parallel workshops. During this time, the participants live with Polish host families from Wroclaw, who also look after and care for them during this time. 

Third phase (23.07 – 01.08.2024)

In the final phase, the groups come together and live in a camp in Wroclaw for 7-10 days, which prepares the artists for the joint grand finale.

OPTIONAL – tour of groups in August 

We might offer you to prolong your stay few days so you can present your show in other venues outside Wroclaw. 



We invite artistic groups from any place in the world that are based on few priorities for Lelenfant Project: 

– passion to practice collectively performing arts and living heritage on regular bases

– grass roots groups or NGOs

– groups that cultivate participatory rights of young people (democratic decision making approach in the artistic work and child rights philosophy) 

– cultivating respect towards nature and passing the heritage of the human-nature bond of the own community to young generations 

– art as a tool for social change   

Lelenfant Groups consist of about 4-10 young artists accompanied by one or two adult Group Leaders.

The participants should be between 8 and 14 years old. Performing on stage will be the most important step of all, as this is when all of the arts come together and melt into one. Because of this, the artists must be confident individuals in order not to get owherwhelmed by the pressure of stage fright. For this reason we are looking for experienced artists who are sure of their abilities and are able to teach it to others.

Leaders must be at least 18 years of age and have strong English language skills to ensure clear communication on both ends. In addition, leaders must be familiar with the young artists and have a trusting relationship with them. For example, they might be/ have been a teacher, coach or supervisor at the children’s local organization.

During the project Group Leaders participate in their own artistic and educational program and run workshops for local children, in addition to supervising and supporting their groups.

To learn more, contact us via WhatsApp/Telegram/Signal using the phone number listed below or join our database of international groups and we will set up a meeting with you to discuss the matter with you in greater detail.

Alternatively to the meeting, we will invite you to the Lelenfant International Community Online Meeting.

Fill out the form:
